posted Nov 28, 2023, 4:18 PM
Update November 28, 2023 -- December Break Ice -- December 27, 28, & 29th
We are pleased to offer December Break Ice for StarSkaters Star 1 and higher only.
Session times will be the following:
Wednesday, December 27th – 5:45pm to 6:40pm or 6:40pm to 7:35pm
Thursday, December 28th – 4:45pm to 5:40pm or 5:40pm to 6:35pm or 6:35 to 7:35pm
Friday, December 29th – 5:00pm to 5:55pm or 5:55pm to 6:50pm
Tickets can be purchased through the website under Registration => StarSkate Registration => Purchase Products (on the left-hand side)
Go to the bottom of the list and purchase a December Break Skate Ticket for one Session @ $25 or a December Break Skate Ticket for 2 or more Sessions per day @ $40.
Please organize your sessions with your coaches to ensure they are available.
Print off the ticket and present it to the coaches prior to the session.
posted Nov 10, 2023, 12:28 PM
Update November 2, 2023 -- Simulation 2023, Thursday, November 9th, Port Credit Arena -- Competitor Schedule and Information
Hello Simulation 2023 Competitiors,
The coaches at PCFSC are excited to see all the skater's perform in the Simulation 2023. We know that for some of you this is your first experience competing so here are some important points to help navigate the competiton environment:
1. Please arrive no later than 45 minutes prior to the start of your event.
2. You will need to SIGN IN with the Registration Desk.
3. Star 5 and higher events will need to complete a Planned Program sheet (will be available at Registration Desk)
4. Dressing Rooms will be assigned at Registration. At competitions, parents are not allowed in the dressing room area. We will be following this procedure. There will be a coach/board member in the dressing room to supervise the skaters in Star 1-2. If your child wants you to tie their skates, you will need to do so in the lobby area.
5. Awards for Star 1-2 can be picked up at the Awards table after the event is completed. Usually takes 15-20 mins.
6. Please speak to your coach with regards to their expectations around competing (outfit, hair, pre competition warm up etc)
Please see the attached schedule for your event(s) times. The schedule will also be posted on the website.
I would encourage you and your skater to stay and watch some of the other events. It will give your skater an opportunity to see what they can look forward to.
If you have any questions please reach out at
Coach Sarah
posted Nov 2, 2023, 12:17 PM
Update October 9, 2023 -- Halloween -- October 31, 2023 -- All Skating as scheduled
This is to confirm that there will be skating as scheduled on Halloween.
CanSkaters and PreCanSkaters can wear their costumes starting on Thursday, October 26th to Tuesday, October 31st during their skating session.
Skaters must not where a mask. Skaters should not wear costumes that will drag on the ice or imped any movement.
We look forward to having some fun and seeing your costume!!