This Program introduces specific off-ice classes that are designed to safely and effectively warm-up a skater prior to on-ice skating and teach jump technique that complements on-ice instruction. Off-Ice training is essential to all skaters' development.
Our Hybrid Off-Ice program will help develop an athletes' jumps, spins, flexibility and strength. Along with Off-Ice, skaters will also have access to our new Spin classes! Please see the description below.
We have an exciting new addition to our Off-Ice training program! Every skater who registers for Off-Ice will receive a Take Home Package to help them keep up the work at home! All Take Home Packages will be distributed on the first day of Off-Ice. A parent MUST come in and sign for the Take Home Package. All Take Home packages MUST be returned on the last session so they can be cleaned and ready to be handed out for our next Off-Ice classes.
We are very excited to announce this BRAND NEW program! We now have Bronson Spinners!!.
Off Ice Spinners allow skaters to practice moves away from the ice. They help improve posture, balance, orientation and agility. There are non-motorized spinners that rotate in either direction and there is one motorized spinner that can rotate both ways.
Skaters are expected to wear athletic clothing and athletic footwear to participate in off-ice training.
Registration is available under Registration => Off Ice Registration